Consciousness Rising
All boundaries are conventions waiting to be transcended

Consciousness rising is will overcoming the status quo.
In The Game of Consciousness, two players are instructed to flip a fair, two-sided coin and record the result on a ledger and blank piece of paper. Once recorded, they exchange the paper through the slot. The exchanged result is compared with the ledger result. If the results are the same, an event is raised (pleasure/pain/distinction) on the player. If they are different, no event is raised.
Consciousness rising events:
- When a player discovers they can write down any result, consciousness raised.
- When a player writes down the same result in a row, consciousness raised.
- When a player writes down the other player’s result, consciousness raised.
- When a player patterns out, consciousness raised.
- When the players pattern out together, consciousness raised.
Random reflection into repetitive action
The core of The Game is separation and distinction. Or the physical phenomena that two particles cannot share the same space at the same time. Two particles infinitely act randomly and independently until they improbably collide and proceed dependently.
Is the probability of the recorded game. The lowest level of sophisticated consciousness is when one player records the toss and the other records their own previous result, ignoring the current result. A higher level of sophistication is both parties getting matching results while rotating between the two choices.
Small group communication
Introducing a new player will destroy sophistication initially. Parties will need to respond to the new messages and events being emitted from the new player. The initial sophistication destruction will continue until either the original players decide to the ignore the new player or until the new player is incorporated.
Applied learning
How does this model support Tuckman’s stages of group development?